VoxGroup Newsletter – 12th March 2021
FINALLY some good news
Most shipping lines have now confirmed they will be removing the Sydney – Port Congestion Surcharge for shipments leaving overseas from the 15th March.
Importers in Sydney will finally get some respite from the continued increase in rates and charges and this is a welcome response from the shipping lines.
Freight Rates and Space
We are starting to see a reduction in the freight rates from Asia to Australia and a small relaxing of the space constraints within the trade lanes. The shipping lines are keeping a close eye on the supply and demand requirements and therefore will continue to manage the allocations to make sure they continue to operate profitably.
Vox will continue to move our rates in line with the shipping lines so we can maximise your savings and obtain the optimum routing for your freight.
Stevedore Charges – Europe
Whilst not in the same league as the port congestion surcharges, nationwide there has been an increase, again, in time slot fees and infrastructure fees charged by the terminals as of the 01st March.
The news services have finally started to pay attention to the representations from industry and hopefully this will put pressure on our politicians to assist in regulating the terminal operators.
Unfortunately, this also means that our charges must increase to cover the cost of these rises. We will try to mitigate the rises as much as possible however there will be increases in these fees.
Please continue to book space early so there is no disruptions and if you have any queries speak to one of our highly trained staff.
Take care and stay safe.